Monday, January 26, 2015

Egg Art

The idea was to take the egg home and create something with it. Well, I couldn't even make it home before my egg broke.  When I got home, I decided to finish cracking the egg open and throw it outside to see what would happen.  Unfortunately as you can see from picture 1, it looks just like an old egg that has been sitting out for way to long.  I used the leftover shell and the shells of three other eggs from my fridge to create the dyed egg shell pattern of the last picture. Picture two, is basically the start of the egg dying process with food coloring (blue, red, green, and yellow), vinegar, and water.  Picture three, is where I let the egg shells dry and crushed them, so I could mix the colors together more easily.  I like the way it turned out, even though I initially started out with very different plans for my egg.